Sunday, 9 November 2014

CUPCAKES | Vanilla & White Chocolate Engagement

 Hey Everyone!

Seeing as everybody loved my Oero cupcake recipe so much (thank you!) I decided to share another simple cupcake recipe with you all. This time are simple vanilla cupcakes with a white chocolate icing. I have also in the past made the same cupcake with champagne buttercream icing so have shared that below also! 

I hope you enjoy!

Receipe makes 12 cupcakes.

Sponge Ingredient's
100g Unsalted Butter - Softened 
150g Self - Raising Flour
3 Tablespoons Milk 
2 Large Eggs
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

To make sponge
1) Preheat your oven to 180c / 160c (if using fan) Pick out your muffin cases, i went for silver for the engagement theme.. these cases are actually from sainsbury's and really good sturdy quality! I also use a muffin tin as these are deep enough to keep the shape of your cupcakes!
2) Measure all your ingredients into a large bowl and beat until it forms a smooth blended mixture, then spoon evenly between the cases 
3) Bake in a preheated oven for 20 - 25 minutes until they have risen and are golden brown then take the cupcakes out of the muffin tin and place on a cooling rack...

White Chocolate Buttercream
500g Icing Sugar 
160g Unsalted Butter - Softened
50ml Milk
White Chocolate (I never measure this & just add it in slowly as this can curdle your butter cream) 

Prosecco Buttercream Ingredient's
200g unsalted butter
640g icing sugar 
5 - 6 tbsp of prosecco 

To make the buttercream
1) Beat the butter until it has formed a pale and creamy mixture 
2) Slowly add the Icing sugar into the butter mixture and beat together, i then leave a little icing sugar in a bowl to use for later. 
3) Then add half the milk into the mixture just to soften it up a little 
4) Then melt your White Chocolate in the microwave or over the stove (which you prefer) & add to your butter cream, 
5) I then add the rest of the milk & icing sugar to the mixture and beat together one last time, until the mixture is soft and creamy. If it is a little soft, just add some extra icing sugar to thicken up the butter cream. 
6) I then put this into a disposable pipping back with my 1M Wilton tip and pipe away! 

I then decorated the cakes with silver glitter, pearl balls & last but not least top with engagement ring toppers! (which you can buy here!)

Have you tried this cupcake recipe?! What's your favourite cake flavour?

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